Our story began in the Middle East, where the legislative framework around animal welfare is insignificant and suffers from an overpopulation of stray cats due to a lack of TNR (trap-neuter-release) programmes. Masses of animals are abandoned and left homeless daily with no repercussions to the offenders, and this is one of the biggest issues affecting our society today. In a region where animal charities and shelter’s do not exist, it is down to kind individuals to pick up the pieces emotionally and financially and act as a voice to those animals and this is where Itty Bitty Kitty Tails was born – to give rescued cats a chance at a better life.
Today, it is a dedicated adoption organisation based in England, run by devoted volunteers that are committed to improving the lives of native animals and pets across the UK and extending our support to rescued animals from the Middle East.
We believe that it is every human being’s responsibility to take care of the creatures around us, big or small.
There are so many ways to help, so find yours today.